(Com. No 41 IAU)
Το γνωστικό αντικείμενο της Ιστορίας και Φιλοσοφίας της Αστρονομίας έχει ενταχθεί στην Επιστήμη της Αστρονομίας από την διεθνή Αστρονομική Ένωση (IAU com 41) και προσμετράται στις ερευνητικές εργασίες στις Αστρονομικές βάσεις δεδομένων Smithsonian/NASAAstrophysicsDataSystem (ADS)
  1. From the Infinity (Apeiron) of Anaximander in Ancient Greece to the theory of Infinite Universes in Modern Cosmology, Journal Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions27, Issue 1, 2010/11. E. Theodossiou, P. Mantarakis, V.N. Manimanis, M.S. Dimitrijevic and E. Danezis
  2. Cosmologies of Alcman, Leucippus and Democritus and some similarities with modern scientific concepts. E. Danezis, E. Theodossiou, M.S. Dimitrijevic and A. Dacanalis, Journal of Classical Studies ‘Matica Shttps://www.researchgate.net/publication/279437339_Cosmologies_of_Alcman_Leucippus_and_Democritus
  3. Scientific Cosmology in parallel with Religious Cosmology. Special issue of the Journal of CDST, Universitaria Printing House, University of Craiova.E.Theodossiou,E.Danezis and V.N. Manimanis.
  4. Cosmological Questions in the Homilies on Hexameron of Saint Basil the Great- Κocмoлщкапитањаўбеседаманашестодңев Bасилија Bелиқог,JournalCbecke 83, Κнижевност-Уметност-Култура, Maрт 2007, pp. 58-62. E. Danezis, E. Theodossiouand M.S. Dimitrijevic.
  5. Rigas Velenstinles: A visionary pioneer of Greek Enlightement and Martyr of Freedom. Journal Phlogiston-The journal of the Serbian Society for the History of Science, Vol. 14, July 2007.E. Theodossiou, V.N. Manimanis, M.S. Dimitrijevic and E. Danezis.
  6. Nicephoros Gregoras-The greatest Byzantine astronomer. Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions, Vol. 25, No. 1,February 2006, pp. 105-118. E. Theodossiou, V.N. Manimanis, M.S. Dimitrijevic, M. and E. Danezis.
  7. Un-tangible World and Modern Physics. European Journal of Science and Theology.  1. No. 4,December 2005, pp. 11-17. E. Danezis, E. Theodossiou, Y. Gonidakis and M.S. Dimitrijevic.
  8. From Pythagoreans to Kepler: The dispute between the geocentric and the heliocentric system. Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage JAH2 5, No. 20,June 2002, pp. 89-98. E. Theodossiou, E. Danezis, V.N. Manimanis and E.-M. Kalyva.
  9. The Russians Calendars after the Christianization of the country. Journal of the Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions,  21, Nο. 1-3, June 2002, pp. 149-153. E. Theodossiou, V.N. Manimanis and E. Danezis.
  10. A presocratic cosmological proposal. Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage JAH2  2, No. 2,June 1999, pp. 125-130. E. Danezis, E. Theodossiou and Th. Grammenos.
  11. Cosmologies of Alcman, Leucippus and Democritus and some similarities with modern scientific concepts. Antiquity and Modern World – collection of papers. Serbian Society of Ancient Studies, UDC 52, Scientific Publications of the Serbian Society for Ancient Studies. Vol. 4. pp. 162-173, Београд E. Danezis, E. Theodossiou M.S. Dimitrijevic and A. Dacanalis.
  12. Κocмoлщка питањаў беседаманашестодңев Bасилија Bелиқог. Aнтиқаи Cабремени Cвет (in Serbian) = Cosmological Questions in the Homilies on Hexameron of Saint Basil the Great. Antiquity and Modern World (in English). Serbian Society of Ancient Studies, UDC 52, Scientific Publications of the Serbian Society for Ancient Studies. Vol. 1. pp. 80-88, Београд E. Danezis, E. Theodossiou and M.S. Dimitrijevic.
  13. Science-philosophy relation and the prevalence of the heliocentric theory. Ε. Theodossiou, V.N. Manimanis and E. Danezis. Memorie della Societa Italiana, Vol. 75, 286. Memorie della Supplementi. SAIt 2008.
  14. Nichephoros Gregoras-The greatest Byzantine Astronomer and the Serbs. Publications of the Astronomical Observatory of Belgrade-Πyбл. Aстр. Друш. “PyђeрБошковиђ” No. 80, pp. 269-274, 2006. E. Theodossiou, V.N. Manimanis, M.S. Dimitrijevic and E. Danezis.
  15. Hexameron of St. Basil the Great and cosmological views of his time. Selected papers in a book published in Romanian and English languages by Basarab Nicolescu and Magda Stavinschi. Vol. 1, Curtea Veche Publications, Observatory of Bucharest, 2006, pp. 103-109. E. Danezis, E. Theodossiou and M.S. Dimitrijevic.
  16. Haјbeђи Визаңтијски астроңом Ниђифор ГригoраиСрби. Publications of the Astronomical Observatory of Belgrade-Πyбл. Aстр. Друш. PyђeрБошковиђ, No. 8, pp. 247-256, НовиСад, 2006. Ε. Theodossiou, V.N. Manimanis, M.S. Dimitrijevic and E. Danezis.
  17. Κocмoлoгиjа y “беседаманашестодңев” Bасилија Bелиқог y yтищaj oбoгделa koдСрбa. Publications of the Astronomical Observatory of Belgrade-Πyбл. Aстр. Друш. “PyђeрБошковиђ” Бр. 7, pp. 453-460, НовиСад, 2006. E. Danezis, E. Theodossiou and M.S. Dim
  18. H προσφορά του Νεύτωνα στην ανάπτυξη της Φυσικής και των Mαθηματικών.Διεθνές Eπιστημονικό Συνέδριο με θέμα: «H Nευτώνεια Φυσική και η διάδοσή της στον ευρύτερο βαλκανικό χώρο». Eθνικό Ίδρυμα Eρευνών, Aθήνα, 17-18 Δεκεμβρίου 1993. E. Θεοδοσίου και Ε. Δανέζης.
  19. H εξέλιξη των περί την ταχύτητα ιδεών από τον Nεύτωνα μέχρι σήμερα.Διεθνές Eπιστημονικό Συνέδριο με θέμα: «H Nευτώνεια Φυσική και η διάδοσή της στον ευρύτερο βαλκανικό χώρο». Eθνικό Ίδρυμα Eρευνών, Aθήνα, 17-18 Δεκεμβρίου 1993. Ε. Δανέζης και E. Θεοδοσίου.
  20. Ten years of experience from compulsory course and Laboratories in Astrophysics for the students of Physics Department. IAU Colloquim No 162: “New TrendsAstronomy Teaching”. University College London and the Open University. London, 1996, July 8-12, Μ. Kontizas, Ε. Danezis, E. Theodossiou, Χ. Moussas.
  21. The Macedonian Calendar in Macedonia. Proceedings of the 3rd Hellenic and the 6th European Joint Astronomical Conference, JENAM 1997. Thessaloniki, Greece, 2-5 July 1997. E. Theodossiou, E. Danezis, Th. Grammenos. and M. Stathopoulou.
  22. The Macedonian Calendars in Macedonia during the Roman Occupation. Proceedings of the 3rd Hellenic and the 6th European Joint Astronomical Conference, JENAM 1997. Thessaloniki, Greece, 2-5 July 1997. E. Theodossiou, E. Danezis,  Th. Grammenos and M. Stathopoulou.
  23. The Macedonian Calendars outside Macedonia. Proceedings of the 3rd Hellenic and the 6th European Joint Astronomical Conference, JENAM 1997. Thessaloniki, Greece, 2-5 July 1997. E. Theodossiou, E. Danezis,  Th. Grammenos and M. Stathopoulou.
  24. A presocratic cosmological proposal. Proceedings of the 3rd Hellenic and the 6th European Joint Astronomical Conference, JENAM 1997. Thessaloniki, Greece, 2-5 July 1997. E. Danezis,  E. Theodossiou, Th. Grammenos and M. Stathopoulou.
  25. Cosmological implications on the “Hexameron” of St. Basilius”. Proceedings of the 3rd Hellenic and the 6th European Joint Astronomical Conference, JENAM 1997. Thessaloniki, Greece, 2-5 July 1997. E. Danezis,  E. Theodossiou, Th. Grammenos and M. Stathopoulou.
  26. From Pythagoreans to Kepler. Earth does not occupy the center of our UniverseProceedings of the 4th HELAS-Hellenic Astronomical Conference, Samos, Greece, 16-18 September 1999. Theodossiou, E. Danezis, Th. Grammenos and M. Stathopoulou.
  27. Democritus’ Cosmological proposals and Modern Physics. Proceedings of the 4th HELAS-Hellenic Astronomical Conference, Samos, Greece, 16-18 September 1999. Danezis, E. Theodossiou, Th. Grammenos and M. Stathopoulou.
  28. Ancient Macedonia and its calendars. Proceedings of the 9th European and 5th Euro-Asian Astronomical Society Conference JENAM 2000, Astronomy of Ancient Civilizations. Moscow, Russia, May 29-June 3, 2000. E. Theodossiou, E. Danezis, Th, Grammenos and V.N. Manimanis.
  29. The calendars of the Christian World. Proceedings of the 9th European and 5th Euro-Asian Astronomical Society Conference JENAM 2000,Astronomy of Ancient Civilizations. Moscow, Russia, May 29-June 3, 2000. E. Theodossiou, E. Danezis and V.N. Manimanis.
  30. The Ibo’s seasonal calendar. Proceedings of the 9th European and 5th Euro-Asian Astronomical Society Conference JENAM 2000,Astronomy of Ancient Civilizations. Moscow, Russia, May 29-June 3, 2000. E. Theodossiou, E. Danezis and V.N. Manimanis.
  31. The Cosmological Views of Democritus and Modern Physics.Proceedings of the 9th European and 5th Euro-Asian Astronomical Society Conference JENAM 2000, Astronomy of Ancient Civilizations. Moscow, Russia, May 29-June 3, 2000. E. Danezis, E. Theodossiou, V.N. Manimanis, Th. Grammenos and M. Stathopoulou.
  32. From Pythagoreans to Kepler. The contest between the Geocentric and Heliocentric System. Proceedings of the 9th European and 5th Euro-Asian Astronomical Society Conference JENAM 2000, Astronomy of Ancient Civilizations. Moscow, Russia, May 29-June 3, 2000. E. Theodossiou, E. Danezis and V.N. Manimanis.
  33. The calendars in Russia after the adoption of Christianity. Proceedings of the 9th European and 5th Euro-Asian Astronomical Society ConferenceJENAM 2000, Astronomy of Ancient Civilizations. Moscow, Russia, May 29-June 3, 2000. E. Theodossiou, E. Danezis and V.N. Manimanis.
  34. La mesure du temps et les Constellations». International Bissextilia «Εκδοχές του χρόνου και μορφές κανονιστικότητας». Διεπιστημονικό Συνέδριο, 29-30 Σεπτεμβρίου 2000, Αναργύρειος και Κοργιαλένειος Σχολή Σπετσών (προσκεκλημένος ομιλητής). E. Theodossiou, E. Danezis and V.N. Manimanis.
  35. Χωροχρονικές μεταβολές-Φυσαλίδες υλοενέργειας. International Bissextilia «Εκδοχές του χρόνου και μορφές κανονιστικότητας» (προσκεκλημένος ομιλητής). Διεπιστημονικό Συνέδριο, 29-30 Σεπτεμβρίου 2000, Αναργύρειος και Κοργιαλένειος Σχολή Σπετσών. E. Theodossiou and E. Danezis.
  36. La probleme de la nature du temps. International Bissextilia «Εκδοχές του χρόνου και μορφές κανονιστικότητας». Διεπιστημονικό Συνέδριο, 29-30 Σεπτεμβρίου 2000, Αναργύρειος και Κοργιαλένειος Σχολή Σπετσών. E. Theodossiou and E. Danezis.
  37. Prodromic Cosmological Theories of Giordano Bruno..5th HELAS-Hellenic Astronomical Conference, 20-22 September 2001, Crete, Greece. Theodossiou, E. Danezis and V.N. Manimanis
  38. Non adopted Constellations and astronomical maps. 5th HELAS-Hellenic Astronomical Conference, 20-22 September 2001, Crete, Greece. Theodossiou, E. Danezis and P.G. Niarchos.
  39. The Chronologies of the Creation. 5th HELAS-Hellenic Astronomical Conference, 20-22 September 2001, Crete, Greece. Theodossiou, E. Danezis and V.N. Manimanis.
  40. Moschophoros-Kriophoros and ICTHYS. 5th HELAS-Hellenic Astronomical Conference, 20-22 September 2001, Crete, Greece. Theodossiou, E. Danezis and V.N. Manimanis.
  41. 17th Century Physics Beliefs and the first mechanical clock of Athens. XXI Scientific Instrument Symposium, National Hellenic ResearchFoundation, Athens 9-14 September 2002. E. Theodossiou, V.N. Manimanis, E. Danezis, E. and E.-M. Kalyva.
  42. The Pre-Aristarchean Pythagoreans: The Views of Philolaos of Croton.6th HELAS-Hellenic Astronomical Conference, organized by the Hellenic Astronomical Society, 15-17 September 2003, Pentele, Athens-Greece. E. Theodossiou, V. N. Manimanis and E. Danezis.
  43. The Contribution of the Arabic World in Astronomy. 6th HELAS-Hellenic Astronomical Conference, organized by the Hellenic Astronomical Society, 15-17 September 2003, Pentele, Athens-Greece. Theodossiou,V.N. Manimanis and E. Danezis.
  44. Cosmological Implications of the «Hexameron” of Saint Basil the Great. M. Danezis, E. Theodossiou and M. Dimitrijevic. InternationalConference: Science and Orthodoxy-A necessary Dialogue. 22-26 October 2005. Bucharest-Constantza, Romania (invited speaker).
  45. Theology and Modern Physics. M. Danezis, E. Theodossiou and M. Dimitrijevic. Science and Orthodoxy-A necessary Dialogue. 22-26 October 2005. Bucharest-Constanza, Romania.
  46. Το ηλιοκεντρικό σύστημα από τους Ορφικούς ΄Υμνους έως τον αυτοκράτορα Ιουλιανό. Ε. Θεοδοσίου, Μ. Δανέζης, και Α. Δακανάλης.Hμερίδα: «Οι απόψεις των φιλοσόφων της αρχαιότητας για τις φυσικές επιστήμες και οι επιδράσεις τους στη σύγχρονη σκέψη». Ένωση Ελλήνων Φυσικών-Πανελλήνια Ένωση Μαθηματικών. Ξάνθη 11-13 Νοεμβρίου 2005.
  47. Η κοσμολογία του Δημόκριτου. Μ. Δανέζης, Ε. Θεοδοσίου και Α. Δακανάλης. Hμερίδα: «Οι απόψεις των φιλοσόφων της αρχαιότητας για τις φυσικές επιστήμες και οι επιδράσεις τους στη σύγχρονη σκέψη».Ένωση Ελλήνων Φυσικών-Πανελλήνια Ένωση Μαθηματικών. Ξάνθη 11-13 Νοεμβρίου 2005.
  48. Мосхофорос, Криофорос, Ихтхис, Сазвежђа, митологија и уметност. КОНФЕРЕНЦИЈЕ “РАЗВОЈ АСТРОНОМИЈЕ КОД СРБА V”Београд 18 април 2008.Oпсерваторије, Калемегдан, Деспотова кула.Евстратије Теодосију, Василије Н. Маниманис, Сеа Гојет, Милан С. Димитријевић.
  49. Ригаод Фереиастрономијауњеговој  «Антологијифизике» (Поводом250.  годишњицерођења).  КОНФЕРЕНЦИЈЕ “РАЗВОЈ АСТРОНОМИЈЕ КОД СРБА V” Београд 19 април 2008.Oпсерваторије, Калемегдан, Деспотова кула.Евстратије Теодосију, Василије Н. Маниманис, Милан С. Димитријевић, Емануел Данезис.
  50. The heliocentric system from the Orphic Hymns and the Pythagorian philosophers to the emperor Julian.  КОНФЕРЕНЦИЈЕ “РАЗВОЈ АСТРОНОМИЈЕКОДСРБА  V” Београд  20април Oпсерваторије,  Калемегдан, Деспотовакула. Евстратије Теодосију,  Арис Даканалис,  МиланС.Димитријевић,  ЕмануелДанезис.
  51. The inconvenient relation between religion and science: The prevalence of the heliocentric theory. 1st Workshop: Astrophysical winds and discs similar phenomena in stars and quasars-Special Session: History and Philosophy of Astronomy and Physical Sciences. Platamonas, September 3-8, 2009.E. Theodossiou, V.N. Manimanis and M. Danezis
  52. Cosmology af Alcman, Leukippus and Democritus: КОСМОЛОГИЈЕАЛКМАНА, ЛЕУКИПАИ ДЕМОКРИТА. (Емануил Данезис,  Ефстратије Т.  Теодосију, МиланС.  Димитријевић, Арис Даканалис). Development ofastronomy among Serbs, Ιnternational Conference VI, Астрономскодруштво  “РуђерБошковић” -УчионицаНароднеопсерваторије, Калемегдан. Belgrade 22-26 April, 2010. E. Danezis, E. Theodossiou and M. Dimitrijevic (invited speaker).
  53. Космологија Гностика, Ефстратије. Теодосију, ВасијијеН. Маниманис, Емануел Данезис, МиланС. Димитријевић, Конференција “Античкакултураиевропсконаслеђе”, Београд, 2010.